Foods to eat, avoid when battling stomach ulcer Part 2
Foods to eat, avoid when battling stomach ulcer Part 2
Some of the foods stomach ulcer
patients should include in their diets are;
and Vegetables: I guess a good place to start from is to point out that all
fruits should be included in the diet of an ulcer patient as some contain high
amounts of acid. For instance: lemons, limes, plums, grapes, grapefruits, and blueberries.
Fruits like apples and berries contain fiber and antioxidants which are good
for the body. Vitamin A rich vegetables like potatoes are excellent for the
diet of ulcer patients. This is because these foods help increase mucus
production in your gastrointestinal tract. If you notice that peppers cause you
discomfort, best avoid them as well as products made with them.
Foods: Foods like nuts and oats are highly rich in fiber and just as we’ve
established in the preceding paragraph, fibers are great for ulcer patients.
Proteins: It should be noted that the
kind of protein which ulcer patients should include in their diets are those
rich in low fat. Foods like eggs, fish, peas, are excellent examples of low-fat
protein. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential nutrients which the body cannot
produce by itself but can be obtained by eating fatty fish like salmon or even
by taking Omega 3 supplements.
Herds like ginger are super rich sources of antioxidants. You may have
noticed that antioxidants are a common component in the foods recommended for
ulcer patients. In addition to being antioxidants, some of these herbs are
anti-inflammatory which are not only beneficial in healing the ulcer but help
prevent more drastic diseases.