
Olanike & Olumide are Bringing all the Colours Needed to Brighten Your Day With Their Pre-wedding Shoot + Love Story - Africaflavourweddings

 Let’s talk about love and the magic it possesses. How it turns seemingly mundane situations into tales that bring smiles every single time they’re told. Why are we getting all poetic? Well, it’s all thanks to Olanike and Olumide!

The two met at a diner and it was pretty much an instant spark as one conversation had them drawn into each other. Now years after that random meeting at a restaurant, they’re happily riding into their happy ever after and of course, we’re rooting for them! Their sultry pre-wedding shoot has got all the colours needed to brighten your day.

How We Met

By the bride-to-be, Olanike:

Tom’s Restaurant has been a staple diner in NYC for over 70 years. Its adopted nickname “the Seinfeld Diner ” was given after being featured on the hit show Seinfeld. What makes Tom’s Diner significant to Olu and me exceeds my love for NYC or Olu’s interest in satire comedy. Tom’s Restaurant was where we first met.

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