LIVE A RIGHTEOUS is too SHORT - Africaflavour
By Tina Johnson
LIVE A RIGHTEOUS is too SHORT - Africaflavour
Our duration in this life is very short - anyone can die at anytime. That is why we must strive to live every second in it religiously. We are here for a purpose. Our purpose in life is to worship God every other matters are secondary.
Never rejoice in another person’s pain, because one day you might have a drink from that same cup.
Watch what you do and how you treat a fellow human being like you.
Help people around you in a little way you can.
Let's strive to be at peace with one another.
Life is too short, we can die anytime.
Living a life without God will bring doom and nothing good
Instead of backbiting and pulling people down, let's pray for them rather.
Let's stop killing one another.
Life is too short, let's strive to do good instead of evil.