Dollars to Naira Today in Black Market, 24th February 2024 cannot guarantee trustworthiness of the contacts listed here. Please, DO NOT TRADE with the users listed here; use this platform only for data purposes.
Dollar to Naira parallel market exchange rate has an average of ₦1,800.00 in Nigeria today on 23/02/2024, according to 1 sell rate coming from the users in the comments section.
When we check the last 7 days, between 17/02/2024 and 23/02/2024, we see that Dollar to Naira black market rate had values between ₦1640 and ₦1820 with the average ₦1,706.82. When we compare last week's numbers with today’s (23/02/2024) rate, the average of Dollar to Naira rate saw a 93.18 points increase from ₦1,706.82 to ₦1,800.00 which equals to a 5.46% rise.
Dollar to Naira parallel market exchange rate has an average of ₦1,600.00 in Nigeria today on 24/02/2024, according to 1 buy rate coming from the users in the comments section.
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