Abel Damina is Anti Christ - Alex George
Abel Damina is Anti Christ
Let talk about the strategy of his teachings.
First, he comes out to talk about tithing, knowing fully well he would play on the sympathy of the poor, of their empathy to been used by their pastor’s and church leaders.
He gets their attention through empath, and seeks to indoctrinate their beliefs with logic and reasoning.
One of his teaching says “if you are born again, even if you sin, you are still born again. That once born again you are forever saved.
That is the devil telling you that heaven is yours even when you do the one thing God dislikes “INIQUITY ”
Once you sin the spirit of God leaves you.
He just wants to get popular, and he would face the music soon.
That man is the Anti Christ
He is a false preacher of the Gospel of Jesus
Happy Lord’s day