
Queen Margrethe II of Denmark Announces Amazing Abdication After 52 Years on Throne

         Queen Margrethe II of Denmark Announces Amazing Abdication After 52 Years on Throne

Denmark's Queen Margrethe II made a surprise announcement during her New Year's Eve address to her nation: She will step down as monarch.

Denmark is seeing a startling development. After more than 50 years in power, the nation's queen Queen Margrethe II has declared she will abdicate in January. 

The 83-year-old stated in her yearly New Year's Eve speech, which was aired live on Danish television on December 31, "On 14 January 2024—52 years after I succeeded my beloved father I will step down as Queen of Denmark," according to several publications. "I leave the throne to my son Crown Prince Frederik."

Frederick, 55, is the older of the two sons of the late queen and her husband, Prince Henrik of Denmark. 

The day of his coronation remained a mystery. The queen stated her decision to resign as a result of back surgery she had this past February. "Everything went well, thanks to the competent health personnel, who took care of me," she stated. 

"Inevitably, the operation gave cause to thoughts about the future whether now would be an appropriate time to pass on the responsibility to the next generation."

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